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"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left" Sufi saying

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Rekindle Your Spark!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Knowledge by Contrast: The Spiritual Way

People often view the path of spiritual enlightenment as a search for the light. In fact, spirituality involves bringing both the light and the darkness together in wholeness. And in truth, this is the only possible solution. In this world of duality, if we try to focus all of our attention on the light this can only serve to increase the power of the darkness by contrast. Our aim is not to deny or reject anything but to embrace it all. We are only able to distinguish and make aware choices for ourselves if we recognise and accept this duality, for it is by contrast that awareness is made possible. How can we know what love is if we don't also have hate? We can choose to act from love and also to respect the existence of hate which allows love to be known. We can choose to be happy, knowing what it is in contrast to unhappiness. A famous Sufi mystic once said something to the effect of 'I don't mind if I ride the steed of difficulty or the steed of ease' ... and in a way this makes perfect sense (although it took me a while to be able to say the same thing) We live in a world of perfect imperfection. Let's stop resisting it.

Have a pefectly imperfect day!

Joy :-)

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