Be Inspired By The Treasures Of True Brilliant Being!

"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left" Sufi saying

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Rekindle Your Spark!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Moving Beyond The Limited

If you find yourself falling back into the same negative patterns of thought and behaviour, the same negative reactions to the daily events in your life, no matter how positive you try to be, you are probably being held in the grip of your own self-limiting beliefs.

These are often to be found lurking in your subconscious body-mind and are considered to be at the very root of what stops you getting what you feel you really want in life.

So in order to manifest what you really want it's important first to bring these limiting beliefs up, out of the unconscious, into the light of consciousness and
identify what they are so that you have choice ... because with awareness comes choice

Limiting beliefs and the inner struggle and conflict that comes with them usually come about because you feel you DON'T DESERVE the things you desire. This feeling
is often at the bottom of other feelings such as fear of abandonment, anger, jealousy, self-criticism and so on.

On the surface you may be focused on, and conscious of, your wants and desires and may even make positive affirmations about them but deep down in your subconscious if you're convinced you don't deserve them you will be prevented from accomplishing your heart's desire. You can't take control of something you are not conscious of.

So you need to do a clearing out of these old limiting beliefs from your subconscious. It's probably not the first time you've wanted something and found yourself feeling held back, locked in and paralysed by an inner struggle between two conflicting parts of you, one wanting the wish to be fulfilled and the other not.

Despite the fact that at heart we all have a natural bias towards reaching for the best and at the deepest level our nature is one of unlimited potential, truly capable of manifesting our deepest heart's desires, this often gets covered over or blocked. We develop protective layers to cover up what we see as our vulnerability - something we learned during the stages of growth of our own personal history.

Most of these limiting beliefs and blocks are not just abstract ideas or concepts but are actually physically present as they manifest in the body.

Thoughts and feelings become 'embodied' and show up in the structure of our cells. On the surface of these cells are receptors which are fine tuned to receive certain signals and some of these signals are emotionally configured. So if, for example, there was a time or two (or more) when you flooded your body with feelings of "don't deserve" your cells became attuned to that emotion. You could almost say that they developed a bias or 'red flag' alert towards "not deserving" and if it happens often enough it may even be experienced almost like an 'addiction'.

So the thought, the desire for something, automatically triggers a "don't deserve" response as it attaches biochemically to the receptors on the cell.

But also, since like attracts like, any thoughts that are SIMILAR to the original thought or desire will ALSO trigger feelings of not deserving as these similar thoughts and desires feed into the already 'primed' receptors. Eventually the cell may grow so many of these receptors that there's no more room on the surface of the cell to grow or accomodate the more positive 'joy-' or 'self worth-' receptors.

So the experience of joy is inhibited even though you may want to be joyful.

And this is what you might call SABOTAGE... This can happen equally with other negative thoughts, beliefs (which are simply thoughts repeated over and over) and emotions like fear anger, doubt, judgment, depression, sadness and so on. They literally build a barrier that rejects or blocks the more positive signals sent to you from your Essential Higher Self.

The usual pathway can be described like this:

Your wish goes to God, the Source of your Well-Being and the inspiration you need to accomplish your wish comes back to you. But because of the block or barrier, the inspiration doesn't reach its intended destination.

Every time you call for help the answer is always available but you don’t receive the response if you have limiting beliefs or are addicted to negative emotions.

They really have to go, to be cleared completely out of your body-mind because they limit the abundance that is constantly available to you.

The trick is to learn to recognise these triggered responses at the time that they occur so that you can then make the transition... to something more neutral perhaps at first, and then as the negatively tuned receptors fall away through disuse, room is made for a higher more joyous vibration to be embodied.

Step by step you can learn to make more empowered choices for yourself, embodying them in the growth of receptor cells attuned to these choices which will then provide pathways to reach the abundance that has always been here for you... and which you will then be able to experience, savour and enjoy

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