Be Inspired By The Treasures Of True Brilliant Being!

"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left" Sufi saying

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Attitude of Friendly Acceptance


The Aloha Spirit is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. However, it also refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire.

In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than just "hello" or "goodbye" or "love." Its deeper meaning is "the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)."

As you share this energy you become attuned to the Universal Power of God. And being in loving alignment with His incredible Power is the secret for attaining true health, happiness, prosperity and success.

The way to tune into this Power and have it work for you is so simple that you might be tempted to pass it off as being too easy to be true. Please don't let yourself be fooled by appearances. Take the time to try it out.

This is the most powerful technique in the world, and although it is extremely simple it may not prove easy, because you must remember to do it and you have to do it a lot. It is a secret which has been given to humanity over and over again, and here it is once more in another form. The secret is this:

Bless everyone and everything that represents what you want!

That's all there is to it. Anything that simple, however, does need some explanation.

To bless something means to give recognition or emphasis to a positive quality, characteristic or condition, with the intent that what is recognized or emphasized will increase, endure or come into being.

Blessing is effective in changing your life or getting what you want for three reasons: First of all, the positive focus of your mind stirs up the positive, creative force of the Power of the Universe put at our disposal by God. Secondly, it moves your own energy outward, allowing more of the Power to come through you. Thirdly, when you bless for the benefit of others instead of directly for yourself, you tend to bypass any subconscious fears about what you want for yourself, and also the very focus on the blessing acts to increase the same good in your life. What is so beautiful about this process is that the blessing you do for others helps them as well as you.

Blessing may be done with imagery or touch, but the most usual and easy way to do it is with words. The main kinds of verbal blessing are:

Admiration - This is the giving of compliments or praise to something good that you notice. E.g., "What a beautiful sunset; I like that flower; you're such a wonderful person."

Affirmation - This is a specific statement of blessing for increase or endurance. E.g., "I bless the beauty of this tree; blessed be the health of your body."

Appreciation - This is an expression of gratitude that something good exists or has happened. E.g., "Thank you for helping me; I give thanks to the rain for nourishing the land."

Anticipation - This is blessing for the future. E.g., "We're going to have a great picnic; I bless your increased income; Thank you for my perfect mate; I wish you a happy journey; May the wind be always at your back."

In order to gain the most benefit from blessing, you will have to give up or cut way down on the one thing that negates it: cursing. This doesn't mean swearing or saying "bad" words. It refers to the opposite of blessing, namely criticizing instead of admiring; doubting instead of affirming; blaming instead of appreciating; and worrying instead of anticipating with trust. Whenever any of these are done they tend to cancel out some of the effects of blessing. So the more you curse the harder it will be and the longer it will take to get the good from a blessing. On the other hand, the more you bless the less harm any cursing will do.

Here, then, are some ideas for blessing various needs and desires. Apply them as often as you like, as much as you want.

Health - Bless healthy people, animals, and even plants; everything which is well made or well constructed; and everything that expresses abundant energy.

Happiness - Bless all that is good, or the good that is in all people and all things; all the signs of happiness that you see, hear or feel in people or animals; and all potentials for happiness that you notice around you.

Prosperity - Bless all the signs of prosperity in your environment, including everything that money helped to make or do; all the money that you have in any form; and all the money that circulates in the world.

Success - Bless all signs of achievement and completion (such as buildings, bridges, and sports events); all arrivals at destinations (of ships, planes, trains, cars and people); all signs of forward movement or persistence; and all signs of enjoyment or fun.

Confidence - Bless all signs of confidence in people and animals; all signs of strength in people, animals and objects (including steel and concrete); all signs of stability (like mountains and tall trees); and all signs of purposeful power (including big machines, power lines).

Love and Friendship - Bless all signs of caring and nurturing, compassion and support; all harmonious relationships in nature and architecture; everything that is connected to or gently touching something else; all signs of cooperation, as in games or work; and all signs of laughter and fun.

Inner Peace - Bless all signs of quietness, calmness, tranquility, and serenity (such as quiet water or still air); all distant views (horizons, stars, the moon); all signs of beauty of sight, sound or touch; clear colors and shapes; the details of natural or made objects.

Spiritual Growth - Bless all signs of growth, development and change in Nature; the transitions of dawn and twilight; the movement of sun, moon, planets and stars; the flight of birds in the sky; and the movement of wind and sea.

The previous ideas are for guidance if you are not used to blessing, but don't be limited by them. Remember that any quality, characteristic or condition can be blessed (e.g., you can bless slender poles and slim animals to encourage weight loss), whether it has existed, presently exists, or exists so far in your imagination alone.

Personally I have used the power of blessing to heal my body, increase my income, develop many skills, create a deeply loving relationship with my wife and children, and to establish a worldwide network of peacemakers working with the aloha spirit. It's because it has worked so well for me that I want to share it with you. Please share it with as many others as you can.

How to Enhance Your Power to Bless

There is a technique practiced in Hawaii which enhances your power to bless by increasing your personal energy. It is a simple way of breathing that is also used for grounding, centering, meditation and healing. It requires no special place or posture, and may be done while moving or still, busy or resting, with eyes open or closed. In Hawaiian the technique is called pikopiko because piko means both the crown of the head and the navel.

The Technique
1. Become aware of your natural breathing (it might change on its own just because of your awareness, but that's okay).

2. Locate the crown of your head and your navel by awareness and/or touch.

3. Now, as you inhale put your attention on the crown of your head; and as you exhale put your attention on your navel. Keep breathing this way for as long as you like.

4. When you feel relaxed, centered, and/or energized, begin imagining that you are surrounded with an invisible cloud of light or an electro-magnetic field, and that your breathing increases the energy of this cloud or field.

5. As you bless, imagine that the object of your blessing is surrounded with some of the same energy that surrounds you.

Thank you for being my friends

Wishing you much love light and laughter


Monday, October 20, 2008

Laugh It Up: It's Good For You

Do you take time out each week, or even day, to do something that tickles your funny bone? Would you say you’re generally happy? Would people describe you as being cheerful and having a good sense of humor?

Most people don’t ask themselves these questions, but they probably should. Each year brings fresh evidence to support the idea that thoughts, moods and emotions have an impact on the body’s basic health and healing mechanisms.

Studies show the body’s healing system responds favorably to love, hope, optimism, caring, intimacy, joy, laughter, and humor, and negatively to such emotions and states as hate, hopelessness, pessimism, anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

This being the case, you’re going to want to be as positive and happy as possible.

That’s a tall order - especially in these challenging economic times - but
definitely something worth working on. And the upside is you’ll feel great.

It’s difficult to feel stressed or depressed when you’ve got your giggle on. So, pick up that DVD box set of your favorite comedy show. It’s actually good for you!

Dr. Paul McGhee, president of the Laughter Remedy, shows us how humor contributes to good health:

Muscle Relaxation.

Research has shown that muscle relaxation results from a good belly laugh. Try it. Get a good chuckle going for 30 seconds and see how you feel. One study even showed that people using a biofeedback apparatus were able to relax muscles more quickly after watching funny cartoons than after looking at beautiful scenery.

Reduction of Stress Hormones.

When you’re under stress, your body undergoes a series changes, including hormonal ones, which make up the ‘fight or flight’ response. Even though there is no physical
threat to your life, your body reacts as if there were. If you’re under this stress day after day this poses a serious threat to your health. Anything that reduces
that level of stress hormones in the blood on the regular basis helps reduce this health threat. Research on stress-related hormones and humor has shown that laughter reduces at least four neuroendocrine hormones associated with the stress response, including cortisol, dopac, epinephrine, and growth hormone. So, get to the comedy club once a week to unwind. You’ll be healthier for it.

Immune System Enhancement.

For a long time, we’ve known stress weakens the immune system, but only since the mid-1980s did researchers start to study the impact of humor and laughter on the immune system. The best evidence that humor boosts the immune system comes from studies where immune system measures were taken before and after a humorous event.
Immunoglobulins. Most of the research to date has focused on immunoglobulin A. This is a part of your immune system which serves to protect you against upper respiratory problems, such as colds and the flu. Our saliva contains immunoglobulin A and is often referred to as the body’s first line of defense against upper respiratory viral and bacterial infections. Here is the interesting part: several studies have shown that watching as little as 30 to 60 minutes of a comedy video is enough to increase both salivary IgA and blood levels of IgA. This has been shown for both adults and kids.

Cellular Immunity.

Several different aspects of the cellular immune system have been shown to be
enhanced by watching a comedy video. B cells, which are produced in the bone marrow, are responsible for making the immunoglobulins. If you count the number of these cells in the blood before and after a comedy video, you can see a significant increase in the number of B cells circulating throughout the body. Watching a one-hour comedy also elevates the activity and number of natural killer cells, the number and level of activation of helper-T cells, and the ratio of helper to suppresser T-cells. Natural killer cells have the role of seeking out and destroying tumor cells in the body.

Pain Reduction. Dozens of studies have now documented that humor has the power to reduce pain in many patients. In a study of 35 patients in a rehabilitation hospital, 74% agreed with the statement, “Sometimes laughing works as well as a pain pill.” So, why is there a reduction in pain following laughter? One possibility is distraction. Humor draws attention away from the source of discomfort. The most common explanation given, however, is that laughter causes the production of endorphins, one of the body’s natural pain killers. The pain-laughter connection can also be partly attributed to the reduction of muscle tension. Even brief relaxation procedures have been shown to reduce pain, and laughter acts much the same way.

Now that you better understand the mechanisms behind the healing power of humor, I’d like to hear from YOU.

What techniques are you using to increase the amount of laughter and joy in your life?

Please share how these methods are working for you, so we can all benefit from your experiences.

This post, written by Marrian Hughes, was published in Mind, Body & Healing. If you enjoyed reading this post, please share it with your friends, leave a comment and help promote it, thanks!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Beyond The Limited:Practical Steps

In my previous article, "Moving Beyond the Limited", I talked about how getting what we want in life can often be sabotaged by the existence of deeper underlying fears and beliefs that we may not even be conscious of and that these need to be brought to light and cleared in order to achieve what it is we truly desire.

So how can we do this on a practical level?

Well, let me give you an example of something that happened to me the other day which might help to put it all in perspective. I recently came out of hospital after major surgery for a total hip replacement. Whilst I was away my partner had worked very hard to make the bedroom as comfortable as possible for my return and convalesence, putting down new flooring and refreshing the layout, including, for my convenience, the construction of a very functional and well-crafted bedside table on wheels.

However on the very day that I arrived home I found him suffering quite badly from a flu virus that resulted in swollen tonsils and aching muscles and so he was in need of rest and recuperation himself.

This immediately 'triggered' in me the old lament - just like the song - that he (i.e the whole world!) wasn't available just when I needed him most. I was flooded with feelings of being abandoned and alone and with an unfulfilled yearning to be rescued and comforted. Neeedless to say the by now all too familiar tears welled up and overwhelmed me, leaving me to feel an utter and total victim to my perceived 'lot'.

And with the increase in emotional pain came a corresponding increase in tiredness and physical pain in and around the newly replaced hip.

I could have stayed there wallowing in this state, feeling sorry for myself and remaining a victim to pain ... and many years ago I would have definitely remained stuck in this miserable condition for quite some time. After all it was a well learned family pattern. Who am I to be disloyal!

But this time I was well prepared, after years of personal growth experience behind me and some excellent tools I could use to change things around. One of these is the practice of AWARENESS. This involves slowing down enough to listen to the body and its emotional responses, noticing its reactions but from a place slightly removed, as an observer or witnesser and this helped me to disengage from being completely immersed in or overtaken by the experience, enough to make use of another very simple yet very effective practice of making the choice to focus my thoughts on SOMETHING BETTER THAN IT

And according to the Law of Attraction the best way to attract what you want into your life is to always start by looking for thoughts that are better than the current negative ones (even if only slightly better)

So I chose to remember all of the heartfelt effort that my partner had put into making life comfortable for me, despite the fact that he wasn't well.

I'd like to add that, in reality, I didn't IMMEDIATELY go to a place of supreme ecstasy and joy. The addictive 'pull' towards feeling abandoned was quite strong - maybe because there was a higher percentage of 'abandonment' vs 'joy-receiving' receptor cells clustered together on the surface of the cells in my body, linked to thoughts and learned beliefs about 'support' in my body structure

But it did enable me, as a first step to GO INTO NEUTRAL - neither deeply sad nor
blissfully happy - and then from there it became much easier to make the transition to feeling joyful which I accessed -now that I was no longer held back by heavy feelings of abandonment and such - by making a conscious choice to appreciate the beautiful flowers in the room that had been sent by various dear friends to wish me well.

With this transition came ease of physical pain too.

So if you find yourself hooking into a particular way of thinking that you know doesn't serve you, that maybe even sends you on a downward spiral to feeling hurt or angry or lost and alone, that somehow you can't seem to get out of even though you really want to be happy and joyful, it is no use beating yourself up for not being able to just 'snap out of it'.

This will just make things worse because you are still focused on the negative and on the problem. In fact the body's addiction to bad feelings may even be leading you to make things worse by inviting self-criticism. Maybe this feels somehow friendly and familiar in a funny kind of way.

The way to get out of this spiral is to let yourself become aware of what is
hooking you and how you are responding to it.

You could try taking a few deep breaths and this will give you some space to reflect and start listening to and observing what's going on inside. This will help you to disengage enough to turn your attention to thoughts that are better than where you are currently, even if just slightly better. You could, for example, bring to mind a time when you watched a magnificent sunset or listened to some beautiful music or looked into the delightful eyes of an innocent child, or even just concentrate on your breath which can be quite calming. By the law of attraction such thoughts will magnetise more thoughts and feelings towards you that are of similar nature and you will begin to feel much better.

It is something that needs to be practised and this practice can be enhanced with other useful tools and processes such as various forms of energy medicine. Over time, as you come to embody what is essentially the Truly Abundant and Joyful Being that you are at heart, you will find yourself naturally coming to a place of peace within yourself and the world, able to attract towards you whatever you desire

Wishing you much love, light and laughter


P.S Please feel free to comment or pass this on. I would love to get your feedback

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Moving Beyond The Limited

If you find yourself falling back into the same negative patterns of thought and behaviour, the same negative reactions to the daily events in your life, no matter how positive you try to be, you are probably being held in the grip of your own self-limiting beliefs.

These are often to be found lurking in your subconscious body-mind and are considered to be at the very root of what stops you getting what you feel you really want in life.

So in order to manifest what you really want it's important first to bring these limiting beliefs up, out of the unconscious, into the light of consciousness and
identify what they are so that you have choice ... because with awareness comes choice

Limiting beliefs and the inner struggle and conflict that comes with them usually come about because you feel you DON'T DESERVE the things you desire. This feeling
is often at the bottom of other feelings such as fear of abandonment, anger, jealousy, self-criticism and so on.

On the surface you may be focused on, and conscious of, your wants and desires and may even make positive affirmations about them but deep down in your subconscious if you're convinced you don't deserve them you will be prevented from accomplishing your heart's desire. You can't take control of something you are not conscious of.

So you need to do a clearing out of these old limiting beliefs from your subconscious. It's probably not the first time you've wanted something and found yourself feeling held back, locked in and paralysed by an inner struggle between two conflicting parts of you, one wanting the wish to be fulfilled and the other not.

Despite the fact that at heart we all have a natural bias towards reaching for the best and at the deepest level our nature is one of unlimited potential, truly capable of manifesting our deepest heart's desires, this often gets covered over or blocked. We develop protective layers to cover up what we see as our vulnerability - something we learned during the stages of growth of our own personal history.

Most of these limiting beliefs and blocks are not just abstract ideas or concepts but are actually physically present as they manifest in the body.

Thoughts and feelings become 'embodied' and show up in the structure of our cells. On the surface of these cells are receptors which are fine tuned to receive certain signals and some of these signals are emotionally configured. So if, for example, there was a time or two (or more) when you flooded your body with feelings of "don't deserve" your cells became attuned to that emotion. You could almost say that they developed a bias or 'red flag' alert towards "not deserving" and if it happens often enough it may even be experienced almost like an 'addiction'.

So the thought, the desire for something, automatically triggers a "don't deserve" response as it attaches biochemically to the receptors on the cell.

But also, since like attracts like, any thoughts that are SIMILAR to the original thought or desire will ALSO trigger feelings of not deserving as these similar thoughts and desires feed into the already 'primed' receptors. Eventually the cell may grow so many of these receptors that there's no more room on the surface of the cell to grow or accomodate the more positive 'joy-' or 'self worth-' receptors.

So the experience of joy is inhibited even though you may want to be joyful.

And this is what you might call SABOTAGE... This can happen equally with other negative thoughts, beliefs (which are simply thoughts repeated over and over) and emotions like fear anger, doubt, judgment, depression, sadness and so on. They literally build a barrier that rejects or blocks the more positive signals sent to you from your Essential Higher Self.

The usual pathway can be described like this:

Your wish goes to God, the Source of your Well-Being and the inspiration you need to accomplish your wish comes back to you. But because of the block or barrier, the inspiration doesn't reach its intended destination.

Every time you call for help the answer is always available but you don’t receive the response if you have limiting beliefs or are addicted to negative emotions.

They really have to go, to be cleared completely out of your body-mind because they limit the abundance that is constantly available to you.

The trick is to learn to recognise these triggered responses at the time that they occur so that you can then make the transition... to something more neutral perhaps at first, and then as the negatively tuned receptors fall away through disuse, room is made for a higher more joyous vibration to be embodied.

Step by step you can learn to make more empowered choices for yourself, embodying them in the growth of receptor cells attuned to these choices which will then provide pathways to reach the abundance that has always been here for you... and which you will then be able to experience, savour and enjoy