Be Inspired By The Treasures Of True Brilliant Being!

"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left" Sufi saying

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Rekindle Your Spark!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Taking Time to Stop and Smell the Roses

So who’s not busy in their lives right now! So many things to

do, bills to pay, things to organise. We are lucky if we even get

a decent full night’s sleep any more.Yet if we could just take

that momentous decision to stop, reflect and pay attention to

ourselves, we might just begin to start clearly seeing the many

habits and patterns that have kept us asleep, confused and

misguided for so long. And with the growing practice of

deepened awareness, we might even start to be able to choose

to shift from the narrow outlook of our everyday busy

personality to the all-embracing timeless generosity of our


All this simply by choosing to change our focus and

perspective. Being conscious of what’s happening frees us from

being trapped in the game. Many of us have had that special

glimpse of our spirit, our soul at some point in our lives, of our

true, spiritual or higher nature. Can you remember the feeling

you opened into at the sight of a beautiful sunset, for example

when you felt your chest expand in gratitude and delight. It

may have happened when listening to a moving piece of music

or looking at a delicate and exquisite newly opened flower?

Yet for many this enlightening experience often seems all too

quickly to fade back into the background instead of becoming

joyously integrated or actualised into everyday living.

How do we keep it up?

Or will it remain a missed opportunity, a lost chance for real

depth and richness, for living to our best potential. We need to

become more rooted in the awareness of ourselves as something

deeper and more essential, to recognise that our deeper nature

is peace, harmony, joy and oneness. And we need to know that

it is possible to bring this dimension into our everyday busy lives.
So what can be done to open to this possibility, to keep it in focus

and to be able to live more consistently from this higher

harmonious perspective? More next week ....

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