Be Inspired By The Treasures Of True Brilliant Being!

"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left" Sufi saying

Find something here to make your life richer and brighter on the path of personal and spiritual growth.

If you have any questions about personal and spiritual growth or about physical or emotional pain send them to and they will be answered on this blog

Rekindle Your Spark!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Is Your Heart's Desire?

Your desire is what motivates you. It drives the search, to bring into your life what you feel, think or hope will make it better. It can manifest in many ways and at a variety of levels. From something as simple as the desire for chocolate or a holiday in the sun to finding your soul mate or losing yourself in the ecstasy of an experience of reunion with Infinite Oneness.Whatever level you experience it at, it is a feeling of being pulled towards something higher and more.
In fact what you are looking for is connection to the richness of Being.
We all seek Soul. At those rare and precious moments when we connect with Soul we feel happy because we are tapping into an infinite wellspring from which springs our highest and truest Being. There is a feeling of "I’m home" where desires simply dissolve into a complete sense of satisfaction, fullness, contentment and peace. It is a moment of ‘no time’, an infinite ‘Now’.
To a Soul, the only real time is right NOW, the present moment. Soul lives and communicates through connecting deeply with the rich experience of each moment. It is that experience of being lost in a breathtakingly beautiful sunset, an ‘aha!’ moment when the metaphor of the Soul suddenly speaks a thousand words and an instant surrender to truth and transformation
I remember one such occasion when I was doing a dynamic meditation one day and suddenly ‘found’ myself on a magic carpet, as it were. On the carpet was a nest of eggs. The moment it came to my attention I immediately started to cry. Now you may be wondering why I would cry over a nest of eggs? Let me explain. In fact it had triggered a re-experiencing of my own unresolved grief about not being able to have any more children since I had been diagnosed with cervical cancer (which had required drastic surgery) some years before. As I continued to focus inwardly the eggs then suddenly seemed to hatch and out popped what I can only describe as ‘little angel children’ that promptly flew up to heaven with the message that they were waiting for me there. Now you may think I am crazy and I am not about to engage in any debate about that but suffice it to say that whatever remaining grief I had instantly dissolved right there and then into a complete sense of wholeness and inner peace. And it didn’t even need to have made any logical sense!
We work hard to build defences, to prove to the world that we are strong and not vulnerable. At least our sense of Self does ... what we often call our Ego, or personality ... who we generally believe ourselves to be. We say, "I am strong. I can carry on" when we really are covering up a fear that we are weak and might collapse. Yet in truth we are strong but not in the usual sense of the word .. rather at a much deeper level where strength is an essential quality of Being where ‘nothing can touch you’ because you are already essentially part of everything and boundless.
It is our so-called personality, identity or Ego that believes it is a concrete boundaried entity that therefore needs to be protected from external threat. So we find ourselves constantly on high alert (as if our very survival depended on it) for instances of criticism, judgement, rejection and abandonment. We work hard to build defences and to armour ourselves against possible attack. We try to prove to ourselves and the world that we are loving and loveable because we are afraid that we are not. We search for meaning and purpose, to ‘know’ the answers, to make sense of it all because we are afraid that otherwise we might be nothing.
Ego existence is an existence based on fear and on being driven to find safety through control, manipulation and pushing away the things we don’t desire, the things we dislike or hate. To access Soul requires taking the time to stop and reflect, opening to the NOW with focused attention. It means letting go of judgement, almost disengaging the mind and allowing yourself to witness in a detached kind of way, what unfolds in your inner world. It is a process of surrendering to Soul in trust and openness.
With guidance and support you can learn how to become less attached to personal identity to not be so easily swayed by its grosser fears, angers and passions. When we become able to look at things from a different and wider perspective we become able to tether it and not let it run wild... more next week

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Taking Time to Stop and Smell the Roses

So who’s not busy in their lives right now! So many things to

do, bills to pay, things to organise. We are lucky if we even get

a decent full night’s sleep any more.Yet if we could just take

that momentous decision to stop, reflect and pay attention to

ourselves, we might just begin to start clearly seeing the many

habits and patterns that have kept us asleep, confused and

misguided for so long. And with the growing practice of

deepened awareness, we might even start to be able to choose

to shift from the narrow outlook of our everyday busy

personality to the all-embracing timeless generosity of our


All this simply by choosing to change our focus and

perspective. Being conscious of what’s happening frees us from

being trapped in the game. Many of us have had that special

glimpse of our spirit, our soul at some point in our lives, of our

true, spiritual or higher nature. Can you remember the feeling

you opened into at the sight of a beautiful sunset, for example

when you felt your chest expand in gratitude and delight. It

may have happened when listening to a moving piece of music

or looking at a delicate and exquisite newly opened flower?

Yet for many this enlightening experience often seems all too

quickly to fade back into the background instead of becoming

joyously integrated or actualised into everyday living.

How do we keep it up?

Or will it remain a missed opportunity, a lost chance for real

depth and richness, for living to our best potential. We need to

become more rooted in the awareness of ourselves as something

deeper and more essential, to recognise that our deeper nature

is peace, harmony, joy and oneness. And we need to know that

it is possible to bring this dimension into our everyday busy lives.
So what can be done to open to this possibility, to keep it in focus

and to be able to live more consistently from this higher

harmonious perspective? More next week ....