I came across the following 10 tips the other day to leading an inspirational life and decided to post it here. Enjoy!
P.S Don't forget to pick up your free Self-Improvement Products at:
"The Top 10 Steps to a Successful Life"
by Lynn A. Robinson
1. Make your intuition your ally.
How does your intuition speak to you? Do you receive information in words, feelings, a body sensation? Do you just know? Ask your intuition questions and pay attention to the answers and act on the information you receive.
2. What are you enthusiastic about?
The root of the word enthusiasm is entheos. It literally means "God Within." Just think, when you feel enthusiastic about your dreams it means that God is speaking through you and saying "yes" to your goals! The feeling of enthusiasm is one of the ways your intuition speaks to you. What makes you excited, happy, delighted? What do you look forward to each day? Do more of it!
3. Be clear about your goals.
We are often quite clear about what we don't want. Spend time thinking about what you do want. What does your ideal life look like? Draw pictures or cut out scenes from magazines that illustrate the life you want to create. Write in your journal, envision. Spend time each day imagining your ideal life. Envision the details of that life. Imagine you are living it now. What are you wearing? What are you feeling? Who are the people around you? The power is within your mind and heart to bring forth the new life you want.
4. Spend time in prayer and meditation.
Answers often come to life's questions through self-reflection. Prayer and meditation are two ways we have of slowing down enough to listen to the still, quiet voice of our Higher Self. Remember that the answers don't always pop into your mind fully formed as you meditate or pray. You may find them slowly evolving into your consciousness over several days or weeks as you ask for insight.
5. Create positive self talk.
Pay attention to what you tell yourself about yourself and your life. If the general tone is hopeful and positive you feel better and are more optimistic. William James said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." It's easier to create a life you love when you give yourself affirmative message.
6. Practice an attitude of gratitude.
Research has shown that the happiest people are the ones who have gratitude for all that they have despite their circumstances. You don't have to postpone happiness until you have achieved all your goals. Joy is an inside job. In the Talmud it says, "In the world to come each of us will be called to account for all the good things God put on this earth which we refused to enjoy." Learn to appreciate the unfolding process of your life, not just the realization of your dreams.
7. Take action.
People often get stuck because they can't figure out how to get from Point A to Point Z. What is one thing you could do that would be a next step? Take a class, talk to a friend, read a book on a topic of interest, learn a new skill. Take action on what feels exciting to you.
8. Look for coincidences and synchronicities.
It has been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. We often have serendipity occurring in our lives as a way to show us we are on the right path. As you trust your intuitive knowing you'll find these synchronicities occurring more often.
9. Know that there will be ebbs and flows.
We often reach success through a series of ups and downs. When you are in a "down" place and feeling stuck, know that it won't last forever. Find some ways to enjoy your life despite the lull and continue to focus on what you want.
10. Trust in divine order.
Maybe you're beginning to feel as Mother Theresa once did when she said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." The Universe has a perfect plan for your growth and unfolding as a human being. As you learn to be guided by your intuition you're beginning to act on this wisdom from the Universe.
About the Author
This piece is by Lynn A. Robinson, who can be reached at Lynn@lynnrobinson.com. Lynn A. Robinson wants you to know: She has a FREE "Intuition Newsletter." Visit her web site at http://www.lynnrobinson.com.
Be Inspired By The Treasures Of True Brilliant Being!
"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left" Sufi saying
Find something here to make your life richer and brighter on the path of personal and spiritual growth.
If you have any questions about personal and spiritual growth or about physical or emotional pain send them to joy@instantnaturalpainrelief.com and they will be answered on this blog
Find something here to make your life richer and brighter on the path of personal and spiritual growth.
If you have any questions about personal and spiritual growth or about physical or emotional pain send them to joy@instantnaturalpainrelief.com and they will be answered on this blog
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Grab Hundreds of Self Improvement Products Now at Zero Cost!
How would you like instant access to HUNDREDS of self-improvement and personal development products absolutely *Free*?
Simple...Just click this link and get access now:
That's all there is to it!
(Take a look at the site - tons of self-help and personal development materials are included)
Head on over there now and download all these products immediately because Henry Gold, Dr. Joe Rubino and Keith Matthew plan on pulling the site down at midnight on January 18th.
To Your Success,
Joy Idries
P.S. Drop everything right now and GRAB your F.R.E.E. Gifts immediately. Remember:
downloading all of these products cost you nothing - the special offers you'll see are excellent and I recommend you check them out. They are of course completely optional.
Simple...Just click this link and get access now:
That's all there is to it!
(Take a look at the site - tons of self-help and personal development materials are included)
Head on over there now and download all these products immediately because Henry Gold, Dr. Joe Rubino and Keith Matthew plan on pulling the site down at midnight on January 18th.
To Your Success,
Joy Idries
P.S. Drop everything right now and GRAB your F.R.E.E. Gifts immediately. Remember:
downloading all of these products cost you nothing - the special offers you'll see are excellent and I recommend you check them out. They are of course completely optional.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Can a Change of Attitude Really Beat The Flu?
I have a very interesting article to share about the effect of attitude on health.
I don't know about you, but when I read it two friends came to mind straight away where I could see just how true this is
Take my friend, Julia for example, (I've used a different name to protect her identity) who's not very happy in her job and feels she doesn't really fit in. She often talks about being overcome by tiredness and feeling low very soon after she arrives at the office. And I've noticed that over the years she has always seemed to suffer from one kind of virus after another and from constant health problems that ultimately meant many extra days off work and plenty of stress.
And yet I have another friend who works for herself, enjoys what she does and always seems so full of energy and never seems to get ill at all. Could the difference be simply down to attitude?
Read this article and let me know what you think. You can add your comments below
Can You Avoid the Flu by Changing Your Attitude?
by Dr. Simon Evans
Do you want to avoid getting sick this winter? Try changing your attitude. A new study shows that a 'Positive Emotional Style' can protect you against the flu and common cold. The study, reported this week in Psychosomatic Medicine, looked at how emotional style altered the susceptibility of a couple hundred healthy volunteers to two different viruses.
The researchers spent a couple of weeks conducting multiple phone interviews with the volunteers to rate them on positive attitudes (vigor, well-being and calmness) and negative attitude (depression, anxiety and anger). Then they infected the crazy volunteers with either a common cold virus or a flu virus and quarantined them for six days.
Positive Attitude Protects you from Illness.
During the quarantine period, the researchers looked at objective measures of illness (blood tests for the virus, mucus production, etc.) and subjective measures from self-reported symptoms. The investigators found that a positive attitude protected people from showing symptoms of the illness - even though it didn't protect them from infection!The percentage of folks that were successfully infected (shown by blood tests) was not different between positive and negative people - but the ability of the virus to make them sick was different. This suggests that people with a positive outlook actually stave off infectious illnesses.
Another part of the study showed that the positive people also under-described their symptoms while the negative people exaggerated theirs. The researchers looked at the medical measures of the symptoms vs. what the volunteers were telling them about how they felt. The positive folks described their symptoms as not as bad as what the medical measure predicted and the negative folks did the opposite. This is not surprising but an interesting point anyway.
Perceived Lack of Control Increases Stress Hormones
In a couple of related articles from the same journal issue,studies showed that the inability to feel in control leads to potentially damaging physiological processes. One of the studies showed that people who felt higher degrees of stress in anticipation of an event had higher levels of blood-clotting hormones during the stress. This means that anticipating less control of an upcoming event may cause your body to react in ways that can lead to cardiovascular problems.
Another study showed that people who spend more time in their day doing things related to their goals have lower levels of stress hormones in their blood. Researchers looked at married couples with preschool age kids. They monitored the daily activities of both parents and whether or not those activities related to stated goals. Time spent working on goals was associated with increased mood and
lower stress hormones.
The studies all speak to the perception of having control over your life - the more you feel in control or that you are working toward more control, the better off you are from a physiological perspective. All three of these studies underline the power that your attitude has over your biology. The more time you spend with a positive outlook and feelings of empowerment the healthier you will be.
There are many prior studies supporting pieces of this argument. We are not simply biological products of our experiences but have a lot of control based on the way we filter those experiences. The whole concept of having a positive mental attitude is not just psychobabble mumbo jumbo. There is emerging biological evidence that it makes a real difference.
See the Glass as Half Full
We all have problems. Life without problems may seem very attractive but it would get boring very quickly. Jim Rohn, a well-known business philosopher says this, "Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills". In other words, see challenges in life as a way to improve your ability to handle them. Getting more skills will give you more control over future events and, based on the above studies, lead to a healthier life.
So in summary it would seem that:
*A Positive Attitude Protects you from Illness
*Being calm about a situation is better for you than being
anxious or angry
*Focusing on a goal can reduce stress levels
*The more time you spend with a positive outlook and
feelings of empowerment the healthier you will be
*These are skills you can develop and practise
Look out for my next post coming soon when I'll be sharing
a guided visualisation exercise with you around the subject
of easy attitude change
Wishing you much love, light and laughter
Joy Idries
I don't know about you, but when I read it two friends came to mind straight away where I could see just how true this is
Take my friend, Julia for example, (I've used a different name to protect her identity) who's not very happy in her job and feels she doesn't really fit in. She often talks about being overcome by tiredness and feeling low very soon after she arrives at the office. And I've noticed that over the years she has always seemed to suffer from one kind of virus after another and from constant health problems that ultimately meant many extra days off work and plenty of stress.
And yet I have another friend who works for herself, enjoys what she does and always seems so full of energy and never seems to get ill at all. Could the difference be simply down to attitude?
Read this article and let me know what you think. You can add your comments below
Can You Avoid the Flu by Changing Your Attitude?
by Dr. Simon Evans
Do you want to avoid getting sick this winter? Try changing your attitude. A new study shows that a 'Positive Emotional Style' can protect you against the flu and common cold. The study, reported this week in Psychosomatic Medicine, looked at how emotional style altered the susceptibility of a couple hundred healthy volunteers to two different viruses.
The researchers spent a couple of weeks conducting multiple phone interviews with the volunteers to rate them on positive attitudes (vigor, well-being and calmness) and negative attitude (depression, anxiety and anger). Then they infected the crazy volunteers with either a common cold virus or a flu virus and quarantined them for six days.
Positive Attitude Protects you from Illness.
During the quarantine period, the researchers looked at objective measures of illness (blood tests for the virus, mucus production, etc.) and subjective measures from self-reported symptoms. The investigators found that a positive attitude protected people from showing symptoms of the illness - even though it didn't protect them from infection!The percentage of folks that were successfully infected (shown by blood tests) was not different between positive and negative people - but the ability of the virus to make them sick was different. This suggests that people with a positive outlook actually stave off infectious illnesses.
Another part of the study showed that the positive people also under-described their symptoms while the negative people exaggerated theirs. The researchers looked at the medical measures of the symptoms vs. what the volunteers were telling them about how they felt. The positive folks described their symptoms as not as bad as what the medical measure predicted and the negative folks did the opposite. This is not surprising but an interesting point anyway.
Perceived Lack of Control Increases Stress Hormones
In a couple of related articles from the same journal issue,studies showed that the inability to feel in control leads to potentially damaging physiological processes. One of the studies showed that people who felt higher degrees of stress in anticipation of an event had higher levels of blood-clotting hormones during the stress. This means that anticipating less control of an upcoming event may cause your body to react in ways that can lead to cardiovascular problems.
Another study showed that people who spend more time in their day doing things related to their goals have lower levels of stress hormones in their blood. Researchers looked at married couples with preschool age kids. They monitored the daily activities of both parents and whether or not those activities related to stated goals. Time spent working on goals was associated with increased mood and
lower stress hormones.
The studies all speak to the perception of having control over your life - the more you feel in control or that you are working toward more control, the better off you are from a physiological perspective. All three of these studies underline the power that your attitude has over your biology. The more time you spend with a positive outlook and feelings of empowerment the healthier you will be.
There are many prior studies supporting pieces of this argument. We are not simply biological products of our experiences but have a lot of control based on the way we filter those experiences. The whole concept of having a positive mental attitude is not just psychobabble mumbo jumbo. There is emerging biological evidence that it makes a real difference.
See the Glass as Half Full
We all have problems. Life without problems may seem very attractive but it would get boring very quickly. Jim Rohn, a well-known business philosopher says this, "Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills". In other words, see challenges in life as a way to improve your ability to handle them. Getting more skills will give you more control over future events and, based on the above studies, lead to a healthier life.
So in summary it would seem that:
*A Positive Attitude Protects you from Illness
*Being calm about a situation is better for you than being
anxious or angry
*Focusing on a goal can reduce stress levels
*The more time you spend with a positive outlook and
feelings of empowerment the healthier you will be
*These are skills you can develop and practise
Look out for my next post coming soon when I'll be sharing
a guided visualisation exercise with you around the subject
of easy attitude change
Wishing you much love, light and laughter
Joy Idries
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sad Tales Can Have Happy Endings
I always wanted to be happy. I don't really know anyone who doesn't. Do you?
But I was sad for much of my life. Actually I wasn't aware of feeling that way for the first 25 to 30 years. I played the clown, was the life and soul of the party ... but it was to make others happy, to cheer them up, to help them out of their sadness and depression. I guess looking back, deep down it was really so that I wouldn't be rejected or so that I would be accepted although I wasn't really aware of that at the time.
There was no sense of self. Being so focused on others I had forgotten about me.
But then came a 'crunch' point. My body gave me a signal I couldn't ignore and I developed Chronic fatigue, or ME as it is usually called. And I found myself starting to face a deep and dark emptiness inside. I had lost touch with who I really was. I had been only what other people saw me as... no wonder I felt a crushing defeat whenever anybody didn't like me. My self worth had been invested in other people.
From this moment on the healing process began and so did the tears. All my inner emptiness and loneliness, grief, carrying the family shame and much more just flooded out, wave after wave. I cried every day for over 7 years and sometimes didn't even know what I was crying for. My body cried out in pain after pain. Ache and exhaustion was the order of the day. My body wasn't going to let up until I heard what it was trying to say. I listened. The pain started to lessen. My body began to relax and be well. I began to spontaneously smile.
During all of this time I used the practice of mindfulness and dynamic meditation and inner journey work. I started to become stronger from within. I found my 'inner child' and nurtured her. She was afraid to be excited and joyful. As if it wasn't allowed... maybe she would be punished for taking delight in herself and her surroundings. Maybe the family would think she was being disloyal by not grieving like they were.
I found a way to let go of carrying this burden of family sadness and shame. Using energy therapy and inner guided visualisation 'journeys' I found myself opening into A NEW WAY OF BEING and I started to be really, truly and consistently happy for the first time in my life. I started to enjoy the wonderful beauty of nature, the beautiful colours of autumn, the earthy smells of grass and other foliage, breathtakingly beautiful pure blue skies. The exquisite delicate soft white petals of a newly opened flower. The palpable warmth of love and support coming towards me from the people I love... a body that could dance and glide to the sound of uplifting music.
And as I opened into this higher natural vibration the happiness spread, like a magnificent yet very soft and fine wave of gratitude, lifting up my heart in appreciation of so many things, small and large in my daily life and interactions.I have now come home to true happiness and it wells up from inside, overflowing naturally outwards without fear and with a feeling of pure and abundant joy.
Of course I still sometimes fall into old patterns and have a tear or two now and again but I have the tools to deal with it whenever it arises. The ground of my being is very definitely rooted in the Abundance of God which I now realise is always here, always has been, always will be ... and which just needed me to strip away the dark layers that had been covering it up all those years
... which made the reunion all the more sweet and delightful.
Joy Idries is an internationally acclaimed Self Growth Expert and Spiritual Awareness and Wellness Coach. See her preview Video, the first of a full series that makes use of the Law of Attraction, energy healing, dynamic meditation, creative visualisation, laughter therapy and inner Journey work to help you clear your blocks and work through physical AND emotional pain, to claim a life of pure fun and joy. Go to http://www.instantnaturalpainrelief.com
But I was sad for much of my life. Actually I wasn't aware of feeling that way for the first 25 to 30 years. I played the clown, was the life and soul of the party ... but it was to make others happy, to cheer them up, to help them out of their sadness and depression. I guess looking back, deep down it was really so that I wouldn't be rejected or so that I would be accepted although I wasn't really aware of that at the time.
There was no sense of self. Being so focused on others I had forgotten about me.
But then came a 'crunch' point. My body gave me a signal I couldn't ignore and I developed Chronic fatigue, or ME as it is usually called. And I found myself starting to face a deep and dark emptiness inside. I had lost touch with who I really was. I had been only what other people saw me as... no wonder I felt a crushing defeat whenever anybody didn't like me. My self worth had been invested in other people.
From this moment on the healing process began and so did the tears. All my inner emptiness and loneliness, grief, carrying the family shame and much more just flooded out, wave after wave. I cried every day for over 7 years and sometimes didn't even know what I was crying for. My body cried out in pain after pain. Ache and exhaustion was the order of the day. My body wasn't going to let up until I heard what it was trying to say. I listened. The pain started to lessen. My body began to relax and be well. I began to spontaneously smile.
During all of this time I used the practice of mindfulness and dynamic meditation and inner journey work. I started to become stronger from within. I found my 'inner child' and nurtured her. She was afraid to be excited and joyful. As if it wasn't allowed... maybe she would be punished for taking delight in herself and her surroundings. Maybe the family would think she was being disloyal by not grieving like they were.
I found a way to let go of carrying this burden of family sadness and shame. Using energy therapy and inner guided visualisation 'journeys' I found myself opening into A NEW WAY OF BEING and I started to be really, truly and consistently happy for the first time in my life. I started to enjoy the wonderful beauty of nature, the beautiful colours of autumn, the earthy smells of grass and other foliage, breathtakingly beautiful pure blue skies. The exquisite delicate soft white petals of a newly opened flower. The palpable warmth of love and support coming towards me from the people I love... a body that could dance and glide to the sound of uplifting music.
And as I opened into this higher natural vibration the happiness spread, like a magnificent yet very soft and fine wave of gratitude, lifting up my heart in appreciation of so many things, small and large in my daily life and interactions.I have now come home to true happiness and it wells up from inside, overflowing naturally outwards without fear and with a feeling of pure and abundant joy.
Of course I still sometimes fall into old patterns and have a tear or two now and again but I have the tools to deal with it whenever it arises. The ground of my being is very definitely rooted in the Abundance of God which I now realise is always here, always has been, always will be ... and which just needed me to strip away the dark layers that had been covering it up all those years
... which made the reunion all the more sweet and delightful.
Joy Idries is an internationally acclaimed Self Growth Expert and Spiritual Awareness and Wellness Coach. See her preview Video, the first of a full series that makes use of the Law of Attraction, energy healing, dynamic meditation, creative visualisation, laughter therapy and inner Journey work to help you clear your blocks and work through physical AND emotional pain, to claim a life of pure fun and joy. Go to http://www.instantnaturalpainrelief.com
back pain relief,
chronic fatigue,
clown therapy,
listen to my body,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Here's a great place to pick up some gifts for yourself
Hi and welcome to a great Giveaway that's on at the moment. I am so excited to tell you about it. There are lots of great gifts just for the taking in this season of thanks, gratitude and celebration. With love. Joy :o)
Go to: http://www.myladywebsgiftgiveaway.com/go/lightanjoy
Go to: http://www.myladywebsgiftgiveaway.com/go/lightanjoy
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